Chatt Handyman LLC Potential Guardrail Required – Don’t break your _____

Guardrail Required – Don’t break your _____

Guardrail Required – Each side of this landing is >30″ above the ground beside it.

Sometimes even if we don’t get hired to do the work, we’re happy to provide information that could prevent an injury, avoid a delay in the close of a sale, or eliminate the possibility of a landlord having to deal with a lawsuit. Chattanooga and North Georgia both recognize the International Residential Code (IRC) for ensuring occupant safety. The landing at this front door is accessed via concrete steps that have appropriate handrails for aiding with accent and decent, but at the top of the stairs, the landing itself is missing a required safety element, a guardrail. Whenever a surface that someone may fall from is greater than 30″ above the adjacent surface, a guardrail is required. Chatt Handyman LLC would be happy to install a rail system similar to this one ( from a big box store to help your home, office, or rental be more safe and “up to code”. Let us know how we can help or if there’s any other handyman tasks that Chatt Handyman LLC can take care of for you in and around Chattanooga Tennessee.

R312.1.1 Where Required

Guards shall be provided for those portions of open-sided walking surfaces, including stairsramps and landings, that are located more than 30 inches (762 mm) measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 36 inches (914 mm) horizontally to the edge of the open side. Insect screening shall not be considered as a guard.